Ten tips for what to improve to sell your home for more money.

When you’re selling a home, it is important to focus on the right improvements so you can get top dollar. How do you decide what to worry about? To ease your stress during this process, I’ll list 10 tips to help you sell your home without leaving a penny on the table.

1. “Neutralize” your home. You may have found a way to make fun colors and decor work in your home, but it may not appeal to every buyer. 

2. Depersonalize. Having personal pictures and knick-knacks is great for you, but if potential buyers take more time to look at the stuff in your house than the actual home, you may lose them. 

3. Declutter. Make sure to take things off the floor. More floor space will make the house feel bigger and more attractive.

4. Address horizontal surfaces. Like the floors, the house will seem bigger if there is more space available on horizontal surfaces. Remove as much as you can from countertops, tables, etc. 

5. Attack odors. You may be used to your smells, but buyers will smell things you can’t, so be aggressive and intentional with this.

“You never know when the world’s best buyer is ready to see your home. ”

6. Consider a garage sale. Having a clean and well-maintained garage is hugely attractive to potential buyers. It gives the impression you have taken good care of the property. 

7. Invest in high-quality photos. I can guarantee most buyers are starting their searches online. Make a good first impression with the best photos possible. 

8. Have a flexible schedule. Having a flexible showing schedule isn’t convenient, but you never know when the world’s best buyer is ready to see your home. 

9. Price your home correctly. Take a look at competition and comparables, and rely on your real estate agent to help you with this process as the market changes. 

10. Consider having a pre-listing inspection done. This way you can be upfront with your buyer to create a seamless transaction. 

My secret 11th tip is to hire the right real estate agent. If you don’t have an expert on your side, I’d love to be that person for you! Call me and my team at (514) 917-6284 or email me with any questions. I look forward to hearing from you!